Busanyi Empowernment Initiative Services

No matter where you live in your own home a retirement village or a rest home.


Healthcare, Hygiene and sanitation

Health and healthcare have been identified as one of the most pressing need and most urgent problems experienced by the elderly especially those with limited access to physical personal care. Personal hygiene and general sanitation need of the elderly are challenged especially with their inability to conduct their personal activities of daily living.


Nutritional and Food security

Feeding is very important to ensure improved quality of old age. However, for the elderly in Uganda, feeding is increasingly being challenged, by physical absence of food, but worsened by the absence of caretakers too. Busanyi Empowernment Initiative wishes to mobilize and provide direct food and nutritional support for the elderly through all acceptable and possible means..



To enable us implement evidence-based actions, Busanyi Empowernment Initiative will invest time and resources in supporting the grand children of the elderly people left to them by their sons and daughters. .


Economic support and empowerment

Old age poverty is rampant in Uganda as in other African countries. Older persons constitute some of the poorest people in our communities. Many of them are unable to economically participate in income generation, thus depending entirely on

Do You Know?
Working Strategy of Busanyi Empowernment Initiative !

Over the years the organization has ahead developed partnership initiatives with likeminded community organizations, schools and training institutions.
Busanyi Empowernment Initiative emphasizes on target group approach. At first it organizes the underprivileged people through skills training and economic empowerment.
Through motivation and education Busanyi Empowernment Initiative facilitates in initiating economic program to alleviate poverty through active involvement and participation of the target people it has defined the following strategies

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